Slowly making our way through the winter, and enjoying what the water has to offer us.

We’ve been lucky enough to still have some local families and small groups join us throughout January.  A great way to kick that ‘cabin fever’.

Here’s your latest fishing reports:

Kootenay Lake:

We are now in mid winter fishing conditions.  The water is cold, and the fish are lethargic.  But, they still have to eat!!

Most of our trips in January noticed the Rainbow fishing drop off.  However, we are still hooking a few each day.  Although, the Bull Trout fishing has been pretty consistent, which has made it entertaining.

Rainbows are still averaging 2 – 4 Lbs, but the Bull Trout have been a bit heavier.  Bulls between 3 – 15 Lbs have come in lately.  Just have to put in the time.

One memorable trip from January had a couple of young bucks on board who were keen to fish.  They managed to hook a couple Rainbows each and about 8 Bull Trout.  The fun part was watching the participation of both of them during each battle.  The boys took turns reeling in fish and also took turns netting each others fish.  Teamwork made this day successful.  The biggest fish of the day was a Bull Trout just under 9 Lbs, with a bunch of 3 – 5 pounders rounding out the day.

It’s always a blast having the young guns on the boat.

While January and February might not provide the quantity of fish we are always hoping for, it usually provides us with some quality fish.  So, it’s always worth a trip.

Stay tuned…

Arrow Lakes:

As per our previous reports, the Arrows are still a bit hit and miss.

Upper Arrow is still producing both Rainbows and Bull Trout up to 15 Lbs.

And Lower Arrow has been pretty quiet.  Although, we did hear a few decent reports from one or two different boats.  If you put in your time and practise some patience, the end result can be rewarding.

Columbia River:

Still getting a few fish on the river.  The water is high right now, and the fishing is up and down as well.  We’ve had a few good days out there lately.  Rainbows up to 6 Lbs have been coming in.  But, it’s different every day.

Looking forward to getting back on the river if the weather cooperates during February.

We’ve had some of our best days on the river in February and March, so looking forward to it.

What are they biting on???

When they are biting, the Kootenay Rainbows have been hitting on the #10, 15, and 22 from Lux Flies, as well as our favourite Brass/Firestripe, or Brass/Firewing Crocs.

The Bull Trout have been fairly consistent on the Gibbs/Delta STS flasher or Lemon Lime flasher, followed by the green pistachio or green oil slick hoochie.

Yamashita hoochie in action…..
Beauty under water shot…
Gibbs STS flasher w/pistachio hoochie




And on the River it’s been best with bottom bouncers and bait.  Or my favourite technique lately has been float fishing with bait.  It’s always exciting to see the bobber go down.

Hope that helps with your next fishing adventure.

Tight lines….